Dienstag, 11. Oktober 2016

Performance - AngularJs in a nutshell

After writing my first bigger article about the different points for gaining more performance in AngularJs I've decided to put them all in a smaller nutshell without much explanation.

If you want the deep article have a look here: https://coding-graphefruit.blogspot.de/2016/10/performance-angularjs-javascript.html

So here's the list to gain more performance:



  1. $httpProvider.useApplyAsync(true); 
  2. $compileProvider.debugInfoEnabled(false); 
  3. $compileProvider.cssClassDirectivesEnabled(false); 
  4. $compileProvider.commentDirectivesEnabled(false); 


  1. $animate.enabled(false);


  1. Enable strictDi

angular.bootstrap(document, ['myApp'], {
  strictDi: true


Section about what you shall care about while coding:


All points can be written "where possible".
  1. $q.defer
  2. $timeout, $interval
  3. $http
  4. animation 
  5. two-way-binding
  6. ng-repeat (normaly you will need it everywhere)
    1. Filter | orderBy -> Do it inside your controller
    2. Custom-Attribute-Directives -> Do it inside your controller
  7. ng-template (<script type="text/ng-template" id="/tpl.html"></script>)
  8. ng-show
  9. ng-class


  1. requestAnimationFrame instead setTimeout if no timeout needed
  2. debounce on heavy called functions (like scrolling)
  3. bind-once
  4. Virtual-Scroll on big ng-repeats
  5. "use strict;"
  6. ng-if
  7. ng-style

Don't forget

  1. Unregister $interval
  2. Unregister watcher ($scope.$watch)
  3. Unregister listener ($scope.$on)
  4. Minimize watchers/listeners (bind-once)
  5. Cache Templates
  6. Minimize CSS/JavaScript and combine (Gulp e.g.)
  7. Disable console.log's
  8. Use latest libraries
  9. Cache-Data
  10. Dependency-Injection (for minimizing code)

Many of this performance / avoiding points you'll find in many other topics but it was hard for me to find realy one topic which is handling all in once, so I set up my own little blog for this problems.

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